27 January 2014
New Guitar Built on Spec - Ready In February
Since I don't do any real experimenting on custom ordered instruments, I like to build a few spec guitars every year to try some new ideas that have been rattling in my head for some time. One of the guitars I'm currently working on is a cedar and Indian rosewood with elevated fingerboard.
24 January 2014
This Week at Scott Guitars
19 January 2014
Temperature Controller For Safer Side Bending
17 January 2014
This Week at Scott Guitars
10 January 2014
This week at Scott Guitars
This past week I plugged away at bracing soundboards and backs and bending sides for the two guitars that I'm working on which will be completed in mid February. I also made a temperature controller device for my side bending machine - something that may warrant a separate post of it's own soon.